How to properly launch advertising campaigns inside Instagram?

Instagram is one of the best social networks for affiliate marketing in different verticals. It has a huge audience with different interests and income levels, which makes the platform suitable for many offers. However, webmasters face a number of challenges when working with this traffic source.

Identifying the target audience for an offer

The first thing to do is to find out what target audience the offer has. To determine it, you can use general features, for example, demographic criteria, GEO, lifestyle of users, their income level, etc. But in some cases, it is worth taking into account not these criteria. But in some cases, it is worth considering not these characteristic features, but the needs of potential customers.

To determine your target audience, think about what exactly you're selling, and consider who might buy your products, when, where, and for what reasons.

By working with similar offers in the same vertical, you'll soon quickly start to understand what your target customers are. In addition, the affiliate program will also give you hints on what actions to take for optimal results.

Having chosen an offer, affiliate program and identified your target audience, you can start preparing creativity for the service or product that you plan to promote. On Instagram, users post many photos and videos. The audience is accustomed to high-quality content, you should pay attention to this when preparing an advertising campaign. Creatives for stories are best posted in 1920x1080 format, and for the feed - 1080x1080.

Formats of advertising creativity on Instagram

It is equally important to approach the placement of articles in the right way. Instagram users are not used to overly long posts. Try to make your texts concise and interesting. In this case, the likelihood of users moving to the landing page will increase significantly.

You can serve creativity on Instagram in the following ways:

  1. Direct. This type of advertising uses shouting creativity with a list of advantages of products, indicating the limitations of the offer and a call to action.
  2. Native. These ads, which are presented to users in a less direct manner, are more appealing to them than the usual ones, which often cause irritation with their intrusiveness.
  3. Referral. Such advertisements are of a recommendatory nature. They should be presented on behalf of the opinion leader of the audience. To attract the attention of the audience and increase the conversion rate of advertising, some webmasters place fake creativity.

To determine the most effective way to influence users, create several creatives in different formats at once and use different approaches.

How to choose and prepare landing pages?

Before you start running traffic, you need to prepare landing pages. Take care of your account, create the visibility of its active use, place posts on your page with descriptions of the offer.

In the header of your Instragram profile be sure to place a link leading to the landing page of your offer, post a text description of the offer. It should be concise, so that users could immediately understand what product you are promoting and what its essence is.

What should I pay attention to when launching advertising campaigns?

  • Before you send your ad for moderation, be sure to check it and make sure it is correctly composed;
  • publish up to ten high quality posts daily to make visitors want to subscribe to your account;
  • target a broad user audience;
  • launch advertising campaigns with many interests;
  • use trackers to conduct detailed traffic analytics;
  • analyze data using Facebook's internal systems;
  • set limits only on criteria such as GEO, age and gender of users.

More cool affiliate marketing cases at the link.

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